5 graphic novels that blew my mind

Dirk Primbs
3 min readAug 16, 2023

Picture this — just the other day, a colleague and I decided to unwind after a bustling day at work. We planned a laid-back dinner and a photography session, a delightful blend of good food and art, you could say.

As we savored our meals, our conversation meandered towards our recent reads. Suddenly, we found ourselves knee-deep in an animated debate about graphic novels and quintessential comics.

Now, let me tell you, I’m not just a casual fan of this medium. I’m head-over-heels, utterly smitten when masterful storytelling marries striking visuals. Comics, for me, hit this unique sweet spot, nestled somewhere between pure text and a full-fledged motion picture. They possess a magical quality to ensnare my attention, holding me captive in their inked wonder for hours on end when executed perfectly.

So, bearing in mind the sheer brilliance of some of these works, I feel it’s high time I brought them into the spotlight. I’ve handpicked a select few that, in my humble opinion, transcend the realm of good and flirt with the boundaries of greatness. Time to roll out the red carpet for these gems! ;-)

  1. Transmetropolitan

The number one spot belongs to the brainchild of Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson, „Transmetropolitan.“ This futuristic sci-fi series follows the adventures of Spider Jerusalem, a renegade journalist with a relentless pursuit for the truth. Ellis‘ biting commentary on politics and media, paired with Robertson’s wildly imaginative cityscapes, are a perfect blend of dystopia and satire. Spider’s gonzo-style journalism in the sprawling metropolis is anything but dull. Expect to be offended, amused, and above all, captivated!

  1. The Sandman

Neil Gaiman’s „The Sandman“ had to be on this list. Gaiman’s incredible knack for storytelling is on full display in this series. „The Sandman“ is an elaborate tapestry of myths, dark fantasy, and historical events woven around Dream, one of the seven Endless. The series explores deep philosophical questions while keeping you engaged with a host of intricate characters and gripping storylines. It’s less a comic, more an epic poem that sings to you through its panels.

  1. V for Vendetta

Written by Alan Moore and illustrated by David Lloyd, „V for Vendetta“ is a seminal piece in the graphic novel world. Set in a dystopian future UK ruled by a fascist government, the narrative is a poignant commentary on politics and power. The enigmatic character „V“ stands as a symbol of anarchy and freedom, with his Guy Fawkes mask now an iconic symbol worldwide. „V for Vendetta“ isn’t just a comic — it’s a powerful narrative that speaks on the concept of freedom, identity, and collective power.

  1. Red Son

As a twist on the Superman origin story, „Red Son“ by Mark Millar is a bold and creative take on an age-old character. What if the Man of Steel had landed in the Soviet Union instead of Kansas? The answer is a fascinating exploration of ideology, power, and the ’nature vs nurture‘ debate. The reimagined versions of classic characters like Batman and Wonder Woman further add to the charm of this intriguing ‚Elseworlds‘ tale.

  1. The Killing Joke

Last but definitely not least, we have Alan Moore’s „The Killing Joke.“ This one is a must-read for any Batman or Joker fan. With breathtaking art by Brian Bolland, this comic explores the complex and chilling relationship between the Dark Knight and the Clown Prince of Crime. Be warned, though — this is a dark and intense narrative, delving deep into the psyche of one of the most iconic comic book villains.

And there you have it — my top five! These are the series that keep me up at night, turning pages, utterly entranced by the magic of their narratives. Do you agree with my list? Have you got other series or graphic novels that you think should have made the cut? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Until next time, remember, in the words of Calvin from the immortal Calvin and Hobbes, „It’s a magical world, ol‘ buddy… Let’s go exploring!“

Happy reading!

Comic style drawing of two men talking while eating a burger.
generated with midjourney



Dirk Primbs

Father. Technologist. Podcaster. Photographer. Writer. Speaker. Sceptic. Feminist. Manages an international DevRel team at Google.